Helping to keep our children safe

Rouse Hill Anglican College is committed to the physical and emotional safety and well-being of all our students. The College has child safe policies and procedures to both prevent, and respond to, child safety issues. These documents are based on current government regulations and recommended child safe practices.

The College is committed to ensuring that employees who work with children hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) number. Some of our volunteers are also required to hold a current WWCC number.

Any person applying for employment at RHAC and applicable volunteers can obtain a WWCC clearance number by following the steps below.

Obtaining WWCC Clearance (Volunteer or employee)

  • Complete an online application form available at Service NSW
  • When submitted on-line, the applicant will receive an Application Number
  • Take this Number together with proof of identity to a Service NSW service centre
  • An $80 (tax deductible) charge applies for a five year clearance. (Paid employment)
  • Volunteers do not need to pay for a clearance as they will apply for a volunteer WWCC and this is provided for free. Volunteers cannot do paid work with children using a volunteer clearance.

All employees, volunteers and practicum students need to hold the required clearance.

Raising concerns about child safety.

Individuals who wish to raise a child safety issue that relates to RHAC should do so by sending an email to [email protected] AND phoning College reception to advise that the email has been sent.

Individuals who wish to raise a concern or make a complaint that relates to RHAC that does not relate to child safety can do so by either phoning reception or sending an email to [email protected]

A copy of the RHAC Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures can be obtained by phoning reception 02 8824 5844.